EDST 220 - Spring 2011
"I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think" -Socrates.
Friday, February 6, 2015
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Blog Post 5
I think it’s important for teachers to use technology in the classroom as a tool to communicate with students, parents and peers because of its effectiveness and efficiency. When teachers post class material or other coursework on a blog, webpage, or secure site (Edmodo) it allows their students to access the information at anytime and have a consistent source to “check-in” with. I think this, in and of itself makes students more involved in their learning and more in tune with what is going on in the classroom. Technology enables teachers to be more creative when presenting information to students and can use web applications such as Blogger to post announcements, present agenda’s, and list outside sources that are relevant to the course curriculum. By keeping a professional looking blog throughout a school year, parents can be involved in their child’s learning at home and see work the students have completed. Right now, I believe our education system doesn’t allow for learning to be easily carried over into the student’s homes and technology helps bridge that gap. In addition, successful teachers must feel comfortable using a variety of programs like Word, Excel, and Desktop Publisher to create worksheets, rubrics, etc. Overall, I would argue (and I think many people would agree) that technology is the future of education and must be incorporated into classrooms nation wide. Technology allows instant access to information and multiples ways to collaborate giving a new spin on our education system.
Overall, I think these tools greatly improve communication between students and teachers as well as with teachers and parents because of our fast access to Internet. Voicing concerns or asking questions in person has a right place but when using email or blogs responses are faster and feel less formal. I think this creates a more natural relationship and students feel more comfortable in doing so.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Blog Post 4
Video: I included a video on my blog that addresses how technology is positively used in the classroom. I felt by adding this video, my viewers would be able to see another opinion on the topic being discussed as well as have a visual aid to connect technology to the classroom.
ClustrMaps: I wanted to have a visitor map on my blog that showed the different areas people lived in who were viewing my blog. I choose to have this for personal interest as well as make inferences about our nation’s education system across the country. If viewers from a particular part of the country or world were agreeing or disagreeing with my posts, one could conclude that they experienced similar styles of education or desired change in how they were taught.
Blog List: Another gadget that I used on my blog was the “blog list” feature. I provided three links to other blogs that focused on the use of technology in the classroom and the digital divide. Not only was the content relevant to the material on my blog but it also serves as a way to write about new ideas and stay informed with issues in the Ed Tech world.
Polls: I used a poll on my blog to ask the question, “Should technology be used at all grade levels” to gauge how my viewers felt about computer, Smartboard, and clicker use in the schools. I felt by incorporating this component viewers could interact with my blog and think about their own experiences with technology in schools.
Picture: The picture I put at the bottom of my blog was used as a quick way to let my readers know what the blog is about. By placing the picture towards the end of the page, it serves as a nice visual to bring the blog together.
Links: Over the course of the term I have come across a few links that have discussed how technology has changed our society and education system. I thought it would be a helpful way to let my viewers read more and see what articles I have found beneficial.