Coursework Archive

Mr. Christopherson's Fourth Grade Newsletter - This is a newsletter for the month of March designed to keep parents informed with work done in the classroom.
Dinosaur Workbook - This is an Excel Workbook showcasing different skills and formatting techniques.
Exploring Shapes Worksheet - This a worksheet I could give to my students that I made on Desktop Publisher.
T-Shirt Flyer - This flyer was created on Desktop Publisher to give to families about a school fundraiser.
The Slideshow assignment was designed to give an overview of my issue of accessibility.  The Script provided highlights the my main talking points.

In-Class Activities
Searching with Style Scavenger Hunt - Using different search engines with PLN group we found answers to the following questions.
What Were They Thinking Scavenger Hunt - an assignment that explored teacher's E-sponsibility on the Web.
The Profiler -  Was a quick activity where we tried to find information on the Internet about a classmate given just there name.
Excel Favorites Data Set & Chart - In smaller groups we polled our classmates and created an Excel chart displaying the data.